Copy Tip #79: How to make your copy more emotionally relevant, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

This week, YOU, Reader, are joining 1000 people who’ll get this 79th edition in their inbox today.

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Focus less on styles and more on angles.

Today's tip is a mix of creative strategy and copywriting.

To understand it, you first need to understand the difference between styles and angles.

Style: The way you present an ad.

(Podcast setting, UGC testimonial, feature pointer)

Angle: What you say in the ad and its overall messaging.

(problem/solution, transformation, storytelling, USPs & benefits, promotional offers, etc.)

Here's the big insight:

You present an ad in a particular style because it's trendy, interesting or makes your ad not feel like an ad.


Angle is how you cater to your ideal customer.

Best if you could pinpoint 2-3 recurring emotions you have observed and can communicate those repeatedly in your ads.

If you're getting into creative strategy and copywriting, understand this:

How you present matters, but not more than how you say it.


You can always test different styles by seeing what your market and competitors are doing.

But finding good angles and 2-3 core emotions is where the real testing should be done.

Because once you lock that down, you can test as many styles as you want.

If all of this seems confusing, hang in there. Because the examples would make it crystal clear

Let's move to the examples now...

2 Examples

1. Maelys

The style of this ad is a post-it note + UGC style raw image. It is trending in the digital advertising space right now and also feels more authentic.

But the angle (copy on post-it note) targets the emotions of convenience and authority.

2. Wander Plus

The style of this ad is a simple UGC-style mashup of clips.

But the angle has a strong emotional core of fear. And it is told via storytelling.

You won't get it at first sight but what's being promoted here is an anti-theft travel bag.

That’s why angle matters more than style.

3 Tactics for You

1. Make a Style Swipe File

Look out for trendy and interesting styles that are being tested in the market right now. Especially with your competitors.

Make a list of those so you can pair them with 2-3 different angles and create multiple variations quickly.

This video would help.

2. Hunt for Customer Opinions

The best angles are found when you observe what the customer has to say.

Search for them in testimonials, reviews, post-purchase surveys, or even social media comments.

3. Everything is a Talking Point

Offers, USPs, features, benefits, problems, solutions, situations, stories, and anything else you collect about your brand, product, or customer is a talking point.

Create a document and simply list these talking points as bullet pointers.

Pick one, focus on a single emotion, and attach it to a style.

There you have it, the perfect outline for an ad.

Well, that’s all I have for you today🤝

What do you think about focusing on angles more and styles less and today’s newsletter?

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This week, YOU, Reader, are joining 1000 people who’ll get this 78th edition in their inbox today. It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get: 1 Copywriting Tip 2 Examples 3 Tactics on how to use it for your business. Best part? You’ll get all the good stuff by investing less than 5 minutes weekly. Have you ever seen such a win-win situation? Me neither. Let's go! 💪🏻 Before You Read Further You might have noticed that I haven't really been consistent in May....

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