Copy Tip #78: How to Transform Your Copy By Changing Very Little? It's Simple, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]!

This week, YOU, Reader, are joining 1000 people who’ll get this 78th edition in their inbox today.

It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get:

1 Copywriting Tip

2 Examples

3 Tactics on how to use it for your business.

Best part? You’ll get all the good stuff by investing less than 5 minutes weekly.

Have you ever seen such a win-win situation? Me neither.

Let's go! 💪🏻

Before You Read Further

You might have noticed that I haven't really been consistent in May.

Well...firstly, sorry.

Secondly, that was because of two reasons.

Reason A: I reached the 1000 subscriber limit on ConvertKit and I can no longer run this newsletter with their free plan (so I'm trying to shift to a different ESP. Until that happens, I'm also removing inactive subscribers.

Reason B: I went on a much-needed break (solo trip) at the end of May to get away from a hectic month. I trekked to the summit of the Triund hill in Dharamshala, India.

But now I'm back and this newsletter and the editions that follow are going to be JUICY AF!

Let's gooooo!

1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Focus on iterations

If there's one thing I've learned in the past month, it's this:

You don't need to edit your full copy, all the time.

Sometimes you can just tweak or edit your ad slightly to see a massive change.

That tweak could be your hook or headline in 80% of the cases. Especially for static or GIFS.

For videos, you can try a different style.

Here's what style means:

1. Using an AI voiceover

2. Using a different creator

3. Using a different hook (text)

4. Using a different hook (visual)

5. Using a new angle/perspective

Alternatively, you can play with the big idea to change the whole messaging of your ad.

Copy is not just a game of creativity.

But a game of testing, analyzing, and iterating.

These are the unsexy bits but that's how we find a winning ad, especially in the performance marketing world.

But here's what I've gathered from my learnings so far:

You have 3 major talking points for any business.

→Customer's problems.

→Offer related highlights.

→USPs, features, and benefits.

The trick is to create variations of these by mixing them with emotions.

And if you want to learn more about emotions, psychology, and consumer behavior—check this out.

Now onto some examples…

2 Examples

1. Huel

Two similar static ads with the same graphic.

But a different headline/big idea.

One caters to the crowd that doesn't have time for lunch and wants something simple, quick, and easy.

Other doesn’t want to hog on heavy meals.

Rather wants something healthy and nutritious.

This is a great way to test what your customer wants.

They will vote with their wallets.

2. True Classic

These two video ads have a different visual and text hook.

One has a woman appreciating the fit.

The other has a side-by-side comparison.

First one can be an emotional purchase.

Second one can be for the more logical buyers.

Other than that, it has the same script, b-roll footage, and voiceover.

Check it out here and here.

3 Tactics for You

1. Talking points

Iterate on copy faster by noting down all the talking points in a single document and keep adding more to it as you understand the brand, product, and customer.

This has personally helped me produce better copy, faster.

2. Observe Winning Formats

UGC, benefit pointers, or even weird visual hooks are all presentation styles. Keep an eye on them so you can templatize it, add copy, and iterate.

What's even better is that if you know these styles, you can go against them to break the rules and make your ad stand out.

3. Learn Psychology and Consumer Behaviour

Go deeper into the rabbit hole of the link I've attached in the first section of this newsletter.

If you understand how people behave while buying and how they make decisions, you can turn anything into an angle.

Well, that’s all I have for you today🤝

What do you think about focusing on iterations and today’s newsletter?

Hit reply & let me know your thoughts, Reader!

Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you more (FREE):

1. ZERO to ONE Copywriting Resources (Notion download!)

2. Check out my Twitter for more content.

3. LinkedIn is my OG platform, so do connect if you haven't already!

4. Access 15 psychology-based copywriting tips that work for any niche.

5. Missed previous editions of the newsletter? Read all of them here.

6. Want me to write copy for your business? Click here to learn more.

1-2-3 Copywriting Newsletter

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This week, YOU, Reader, are joining 1000 people who’ll get this 79th edition in their inbox today. It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get: 1 Copywriting Tip 2 Examples 3 Tactics on how to use it for your business. Best part? You’ll get all the good stuff by investing less than 5 minutes weekly. Have you ever seen such a win-win situation? Me neither. Let's go! 💪🏻 1 Copywriting Tip Tip: Focus less on styles and more on angles. Today's tip is a mix of creative...

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