Copy Tip #77: Do You Know How to Write Ads that Don't Look Like Ads, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

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It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get:

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2 Examples

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Best part? You’ll get all the good stuff by investing less than 5 minutes weekly.

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1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Tell a Story

Good writing becomes better with a great story.

And I kid you not but there have been maybe one or two times in my life where I became emotional by just consuming an ad.

And 100% of the time, the ad had some sort of a narrative or storyline.

It's obviously easier in ad films and video ads because the medium has much more to offer.

But I've even shed a tear because of a beautiful piece of writing in a print ad (of course that is what I will be sharing as one of the examples).

But hey! This newsletter isn't about my emotional fragility.

Although when Ironman snapped against Thanos and then died, I practically lost it. And I still do when I re-watch Endgame but that might be a story for another day.

[Any OG Marvel fans here? Drop a reply!]

Bottom line is stories are special.

They are the most potent weapon for a copywriter to produce an ad that does not feel like an ad.

But I don't say that just because I'm overly emotional or can't keep it together.

Data says that too.

A 2017 Harvard article notes, “Scientists are discovering that chemicals like cortisol, dopamine, and oxytocin are released in the brain when we're told a story.

Those 3 chemicals help us retain information, make an emotional connection, and experience genuine empathy.

And there is much more data that supports storytelling.

If you fancy it, dive in here.

Now onto 2 great examples...

2 Examples

1. Chivas Regal

Every single point here is a deeply personal, heart-hugging kinda story.

The first thing you want to do after reading this ad is to hug your father.

And then present him with a Chivas bottle.

Lesson: You don't need fancy tricks if you genuinely know how to tell a good story.

If you want a deeper analysis, I love this one.

2. Vavanto

This ad does a more long-form, direct-response copy style story.

The headline opens a loop to a story that leads to a landing page that tells the transformational weight loss story of this man.

The product being quietly promoted? A fat-burning supplement.

Remember, a good story is a good story.

Long or short form doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is how you write & present it.

3 Tactics for You

1. Show Contrast

A story thrives on change. Before/after, black/white, good/bad.

The more you present it, the more interesting it becomes.

2. Keep it Clear

It's easy to get lost in your own story. But you're writing to sell so make sure it has a clear beginning, middle and end.

The PAS framework is great for this.

3. Create a Relatable Character

Whoever your main character is, your target audience should relate to them otherwise it's a lost cause.

Identity should be spot on.

Well, that’s all I have for you today🤝

What do you think about writing a good story and today’s newsletter?

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