
1-2-3 Copywriting Newsletter

Copy Tip #74: Introducing the Secret to the Most Popular Copywriting Style for You, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]!

Published 16 days ago • 2 min read

This week, YOU, Reader, are joining 980+ people who’ll get this 74th edition in their inbox today.

It’s called the 1-2-3 copywriting newsletter, where every week you’ll get:

1 Copywriting Tip

2 Examples

3 Tactics on how to use it for your business.

Best part? You’ll get all the good stuff by investing less than 5 minutes weekly.

Have you ever seen such a win-win situation? Me neither.

Let's go! 💪🏻

1 Copywriting Tip

Tip: Create Relatable One Liners

One of the most obvious reasons why people who know nothing about copywriting love copy is "relatable one liners."

When brands come up with those quirky lines on billboards or social media posts, people lose their minds.

And honestly? I love them too.

Even after being a copywriter for more than 2.5 years now, I still get excited by short copy more than long copy.

Why? Because that's what I consumed at the start of my career. That's all I knew.

It feels personal, emotional, and raw.

But how do you craft relatable one-liners? There could be a million ways because ideas have no permanent address.

But here's something I learned recently that helped me a lot…

Observations & Insights.

Here's the difference:

1. Observation: Something specific you notice.

2. Insight: Something generic that’s a human behavior characteristic applicable to a wider audience.


Observation is…

Noticing someone do a repeat order because they loved brownies so much.

And the Insight is…

It’s easy to get people hooked if the process is convenient.

Now look at how Postmates (a food delivery app) did it:

The trick is to research, find ideas, and observe. And marry all that with a unique insight to create relatable one-liners that evoke emotion.

Remember, insights can be specific too but they should be relatable truths about a section of the population.

Another example to make it clearer:

✅ Sleeping in YOUR preferred position helps you sleep better and faster

is an insight

❌ Sleeping for 8 hours a day is a must


Now let's look at some wonderful examples...

2 Examples

1. Random

Observation: Excellent companies have excellent customer service

Insight: Word-of-mouth marketing spreads the fastest

Combine the two with a unique idea for a billboard and you get this!👇🏻


Observation: It was such a boring date because he was only talking about this one topic and never shut up.

Insight: Nobody likes a person with only a singular dimension to their personality.

And this is how brought it out with a beautiful wordplay and tagline to their campaign!👇🏻

3 Tactics for You

1. Highlight Emotions Over Features

Like in the Postmates example, focus on how the product makes someone feel rather than what it does.

Example: "Feel the joy of Sunday brunch, any day of the week."

2. Ask Rhetorical Questions

Ask questions that only you have the right answers to.

Example: "Who says you can’t have world-class entertainment right in your living room?"

3. Be Self-Referential

Be meta and acknowledge the fact that your ad is an ad. But do it in a fun and humorous way that invites surprise.

Example: "This isn't just another credit card pitch. It's a VIP pass to everything you were going to buy anyway."

Well, that’s all I have for you today🤝

What do you think about relatable one-liners and today’s newsletter?

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1-2-3 Copywriting Newsletter

By Kushagra Oberoi

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